Rise of the Tomb Raider Review

Every franchise has its peaks and valleys. Doom, Halo, you pick. The Tomb Raider franchise is no exception. But, in its most recent incarnation, Rise of the Tomb Raider, the series has reached new heights unlike anything since its 1996 debut. Consider, for a moment, what the developers at Crystal Dynamics have done. Their release of 2013’s Tomb Raider was both a critical and commercial success. Within 48 hours of its release, the game sold over 1 million copies. On a critical scale ranging from 1 to 10, it averaged between 8.5 and 9.5 with most major outlets. That’s a hit, folks. So when it came time to craft a follow up, Crystal Dynamics did what all great sequels strive for: They dumped what didn’t work, and made better what did. They took an already beloved, compelling character and placed her at the forefront in what is one of the better storylines of the franchise.

The game opens a year after the events in Tomb Raider (2013). Lara Croft is unable to come to terms with the events of the previous outing. Too many unanswered questions and too many sleepless nights have made inner peace a luxury she can’t afford. When she comes across her late father’s research into the lost city of Kitezh, and the supposed key to immortality, her father’s former partner Ana warns her to not investigate further. She claims it was his obsession with finding Kitezh that drove him to suicide. But when an assassin attempts to kill Lara and steal her father’s research on the lost city, the desire for truth sets her on her journey. However, she isn’t the only one searching for Kitezh. A mysterious paramilitary group known as Trinity, (descendants of an ancient order of knights), seek what they call the “divine source.” An artifact believed to grant eternal life. They are led by the ruthless Konstantin. A man convinced of his own self-righteousness and who will kill whomever necessary for the sake his holy crusade. Lara Croft must wage a bloody battle against Trinity in a race for the lost city, and the truth behind her father’s death.

Current generation consoles are flexing their muscles with Rise of the Tomb Raider. It’s absolutely one of the most beautiful looking games I’ve played on Xbox One. Lara is the most lifelike she has ever been. Of course, the developers at Crystal Dynamics should be applauded for their craftsmanship, but there is no denying that Camilla Luddington’s performance as the game’s star is what truly draws the player in. Motion capture is rapidly evolving, growing more breathtaking and lifelike by the day. This game is proof. Nothing about Luddington’s performance comes off as lost in the technical translation.  On top of this, the mod system allows players to craft Lara’s skills and weapons to their own liking, not just for battling your enemies, but the elements as well. You form a real attachment to your weaponry. You’re out gunned and outnumbered by the shadowy regime. The modifications you make to your weapons and equipment can mean the difference between life and death. The game’s tomb puzzles, a staple of Tomb Raider, are first rate. The frustration is nearly palpable at times, but hey, they’re puzzles. They don’t come complete. And the gratification that comes from solving some of these brain-teasers only adds to your desire to keep playing. It’s very easy to lose track of time once this game has hold of you.

Rise of the Tomb Raider doesn’t do anything that hasn’t been done before in the action-adventure genre. What it does do, however, it does better than most any of the other titles out there. Crystal Dynamics have taken a beloved franchise and done the impossible. They’ve evolved the series into something new, yet even with its glorious coat of current generation paint, there is something about it that is unquestionably Tomb Raider. It looks and feels like the franchise we love, while somehow taking it places it’s never been before. A new bar has been set. And, as Lara Croft is undoubtedly one of the greatest characters in video game history, she deserves nothing less.


Rise of the Tomb Raider is a character driven, action packed thrill ride. A can’t miss for the current generation.




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