Top 5 TellTale games

TellTale games certainly have a way of creating unique games that you wouldn’t see from other developers and publishers. Yes, interactive story games have been made by other developers – you’ve probably seen Heavy Rain or Life Is Strange but the art, writing, characters and pretty much everything else about TellTale games make them the stars of the show with the interactive story genre. So, here are our top 5 TellTale games:

5. Minecraft Story Mode

Minecraft Story Mode offers fans of the sandbox game a unique adventure in the first game on this list. While not the best of the bunch, this game gives players the opportunity to see all the aspects of Minecraft brought together with loveable characters and a fun plot. You play as Jesse, a character that is instantly likeable from the get go and he or she (depending on what you choose) keeps you entertained as you play. It’s only number five on the list though, since Minecraft is and always will be a sandbox free-roam game in the hearts of the people that love it most

4. The Wolf Among Us

Set in the Fable comic universe, this game makes number four on the list. You play as Sheriff Bigby, the Big Bad Wolf. He’s a badass character who doesn’t take any nonsense and he makes for the perfect protagonist. This dark mystery keeps you interested from the beginning and hooks you into the story line so quickly that before you know it you’re on episode five and wondering where on earth your time went. This game throws cliff-hangers at you, variety of narrative and a great fantasy and if it had just been slightly more polished with what it gives players as a whole it may have made it further up this list.

3. Game of Thrones

There was no doubt that this would be on this list. There’s nothing like Game of Thrones from the books, the TV shows and, in this case, the game, and to be able to control characters and tailor such a popular story to what you want makes an already investing story all the more captivating. While this game may be hard to get the swing of with no knowledge of the Game of Thrones series, it’s certainly one to have a go at whether you’re a fan or not. A quick Google search can help you out with the basics of GoT, then it’s up to you to make the story what you want it to be.

2. Tales from the Borderlands

This hilarious game just had to be included in this list. This game is set after Borderlands 2 and you get to watch the two protagonists Rhys and Fiona on their journey to find the Vault key. Of course, it’s a TellTale game so like the other games on this list our two heroes come across some tricky situations which are all filled with a glorious dose of comedy which keeps the player engaged and wanting more. The alternating narratives of both characters make the game incredibly interesting and with a spattering of great other supporting characters, this game has ranked an easy number two on this list.

1. The Walking Dead

Beautiful art and a captivating story make The Walking Dead the top pick of the list of TellTale. You play as convicted murderer Lee Everett in this zombie apocalypse and it’s down to you to make sure you make the “right” decisions but… what is the right decision? This TellTale game puts you to the test and while the others in this list did have life or death situations to tug at your heart strings, none compare to what you may have to endure during this game. There are loads of zombie games on the market these days, so much so that you probably own at least one, but this one is different enough to keep it interesting. It feels like every part of this game exceeds any expectation that you would have going in from the writing to the art and the voice-acting. You’re in for a treat with this one.

Charlotte Mednick is an English Multimedia Journalism student, wannabe game journalist, Disney expert and lover of the interactive story game genre. She’s steadily working her way through university with a Diet Coke in one hand and a PS4 controller in the other, binge-watching Netflix and avoiding all deadlines for as long as humanly possible.

Charlotte Mednick8 Posts

An English Multimedia Journalism student, Disney expert and lover of the interactive story game genre. She's steadily working her way through university with a Diet Coke in one hand and a PS4 controller in the other, binge-watching Netflix and avoiding all deadlines for as long as humanly possible.


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